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sâmbătă, 20 octombrie 2007

Counter Strike CVARS

filterban | Boolean
Toggles IP banning. Examples:
filterban 1 Enables IP banning
filterban 0 Disables IP banning.

hostname | String
This CVAR specifies your server's name. Example:
hostname "Counter-Strike 1.6 Server" (default)
Simply change Counter-Strike 1.6 Server to your server's name.

log | Boolean
Toggles logging of server events and chats between players. Example:
log 0 Wouldn't log events and chats. (default)
log 1 Would enable logging events and chats.

mapcyclefile | String
Specifies which file contains the map cycle. Example:
mapcyclefile mapcycle.txt Defines the mapcycle to mapcycle.txt. (default)

maxplayers | Integer
Defines the maximum list of clients that can be connected to the server. Maximum 32 and sevrer needs to be restarted to take effect. Examples:
maxplayers 32 Would set the maximum number of players to 32. (recommended for T1 and above)
maxplayers 10 Would set the maximum number of players to 10. (recommended for Cable and DSL)

mp_autocrosshair | Boolean
Enables or disables the autoaim function.
mp_autocrosshair 0 Disables the autoaim function. (default)
mp_autocrosshair 1 Enables the autoaim function.

mp_autokick | Boolean
Enables or diasables the auto kick feature in Counter-Strike. If enabled, your server will automatically kick team killers and idle players. Examples:
mp_autokick 0 Disables the autokick feature.
mp_autokick 1 Enables the autokick feature. (default)

mp_autoteambalance| Boolean
Toggles the team auto-balancing feature. If enabled, your server will always make sure that teams are balanced and that there is no advantaged team. Examples:
mp_autoteambalance 1 Enables automatic team balancing.
mp_autoteambalance 0 Disables automatic team balancing.

mp_buytime | Integer
Specifies the time, in minutes, that players are allowed to buy. Examples:
mp_buytime 1.5 Gives 90 seconds of buying time. (default)
mp_buytime 1 Allows to buy stuff for 60 seconds.

mp_c4timer | Integer
Specifies, in seconds, after how much time the C4 bomb will blow up. Examples:
mp_c4timer 45 C4 will explode in 45 seconds.
mp_c4timer 30 C4 will explode in 30 seconds.

mp_chasecam | Boolean
If enabled, it limits spectators and dead people to only the chase mode. Examples
mp_chasecam 0 Observers can use any mode. (default)
mp_chasecam 1 Observers can only watch other players in chase mode.

mp_fadetoblack | Boolean
If enabled, observer's screen will fade to black and won't be able to watch anybody. HUD and chat still works and this mode is ideal for LAN parties.
mp_fadetoblack 0 Observers can spectate. (default)
mp_fadetoblack 1 Observer's screen will be black and won't be able to spectate anyone.

mp_falldamage | Boolean
Enables or disables realistic fall damage.
mp_falldamage 1 Players will lose health if jumping from very high. (default)
mp_falldamage 0 Players will be able to jump from very high places without loosing any health.

mp_flashlight | Boolean
Let's you allow or disallow the use of the flashlight by pressing the F button in Counter-Strike. Examples:
mp_flashlight 0 Disallows the use of the flashlight. (default)
mp_flashlight 1 Allows the use of the flashlight.

mp_footsteps | Boolean
Toggles footstep sounds.
mp_footsteps 1 Players will generate footstep sounds. (default)
mp_footsteps 0 Players will run silently.

mp_forcechasecam | Boolean
Enables or disables team-only mode. Examples:
mp_forcechasecam 0 Observers can spectate anyone, any mode. (default)
mp_forcechasecam 1 Observers can only spectate his own team.
mp_forcechasecam 2 Observers can't spectate anyone and he'll only see his dead body.

mp_freezetime | Integer
Specifies the freezetime, in seconds. Examples:
mp_freezetime 2 Players will be frozen for 2 seconds at beginning of round. (default)
mp_freezetime 0 Players will be able to start instantly.

mp_friendlyfire | Boolean
Toggles friendly fire (teammates cause damage to other teammates). Examples:
mp_friendlyfire 0 No friendly fire. (default)
mp_friendlyfire 1 Friendly fire enabled.

mp_friendly_granades_damage | Boolean
Toggles granade damage for teammates. Examples:
mp_friendly_grenades_damage 0 No damage caused by grenades to teammates. (default)
mp_friendly_grenades_damage 1 Team granades attack teammates.

mp_hostagepenalty | Integer
Specifies how many hostages can be killed before players are kicked from the server. Examples:
mp_hostagepenalty 2 Allows players to kill 2 hostages before being kicked from server. (default)
mp_hostagepenalty 0 Allows players to kill an unlimited number of hostages.

mp_limitteams | Integer
Sets how many players can a team have over the opposite team. Examples:
mp_limitteams 2 Can have 2 players surplus. (default)
mp_limitteams 0 Can have unlimited players of surplus

mp_logdetails | Boolean
Sets what kind of attack information the log should contain. Examples:
mp_logdetails 0 Will only log ennemy attacks. (default)
mp_logdetails 1 Will log teammate attacks also.

mp_logmessages | Boolean
Enables or disables logging of chat. Examples:
mp_logmessages 0 Won't log chat messages.
mp_logmessages 1 Will log chat messages.

mp_mapvoteration | Integer
Sets the ratio of players that must vote for a map so that the new map would be accepted.. Examples:
mp_mapvoteratio 0.6 60% must vote for the map. (default)

mp_maxrounds | Boolean
Sets the maximum amount of rounds that one map can have. When the limit is reached, the map will change Examples:
mp_limitteams 2 Can have 2 players surplus. (default)
mp_limitteams 0 Can have unlimited players of surplus

mp_timelimit 20 | Integer
Specifies the time limit for each map in minutes. After this timeelapses, the server will change the map to the next map in the mapcycle.txt file. Examples:
mp_timelimit 0 Disables the timelimit, only one map will run on your server.
mp_timelimit 20 The maps will be changed after 20 minutes. (default)

pausable | Boolean
If enabled, players will be able to pause the game. Please note that enabling this feature isin't recommended as anyone will have the ability to interrupt and pause the game. Examples:
pausable 0 Disables the pausing feature. (default)
pausable 1 Enables the pausing feature.

sv_aim | Boolean
Enables or disables the auto aim function of Counter-Strike which will act like a legal aimbot. To use this fuction, the player must have the autoaim feature enabled in it's counter-Strike options. Examples:
sv_aim 0 Doesn't allow the use of the auto aim feature. (default)
sv_aim 1 Allows the use of the auto aim feature.

sv_cheats | Boolean
This CVAR specifies if to enable cheats or not. Remember that if enabled, Half-Life cheats will be legit but Hacking or unofficial cheats are still illegal on any Half-Life (and it's mods) server.
sv_cheats 0 Disables cheats. (default)
sv_cheats 1 Enables cheats.

addip minutes IP
Bans someone's IP from the server for a specified time. Examples:
addip 0 Would permanently ban players from the IP address.
addip 10 Would ban local players for 10 minutes.

banid minutes SteamID
Bans someone's SteamID from the server for a specified time. Examples:
banid 0 STEAM_0:0:2913745 Would permanently ban players from the account which has the "STEAM_0:0:2913745" SteamID.
banid 10 STEAM_0:0:1852958 Would ban players with the "STEAM_0:0:1852958" SteamID for 10 minutes.

banid minutes SteamID kick
Bans someone's SteamID from the server for a specified time and kicks him/her also. Examples:
banid 0 STEAM_0:0:2913745 kick Would permanently ban players from the account which has the "STEAM_0:0:2913745" SteamID and kick him/her.
banid 10 STEAM_0:0:1852958 kick Would ban players with the "STEAM_0:0:1852958" SteamID for 10 minutes and would kick him/her.

changelevel map
Changes the map to the specified map. Examples:
changelevel de_dust Would change the map to de_dust.
changelevel de_aztec Would change the map to de_aztec.

dropclient UserID
Drops (kicks) a client by using it's UserID which can be obtained from the users command. Examples:
dropclient 1 Would drop the client who has the "1" UserID

changelevel map
Changes the map to the specified map. Examples:
changelevel de_dust Would change the map to de_dust.
changelevel de_aztec Would change the map to de_aztec.

Manually sends a heartbeat to the master server to remind it that your server is online. Otherwise, this command is executed automatically. Examples:
heartbeat Sends a heartbeat to the main server.

info SteamID
Displays information about the requested client. Examples:
info STEAM_0:0:2913745 Would display information about the "STEAM_0:0:2913745" client.

kick Player [or] #UserID
Kicks a clien by it's player's name or userid. Examples:
kick Paulius Would kick the player named "Paulius". (Hey, that's my name!)
kick #3 Would kick the player who has the "3" UserID.

Lists all the SteamIDs in the ban list.
listid Would list all the banned SteamIDs.

Lists all the IPs in the ban list.
listip Would list all the banned IPs.

maps String
Lists all the maps containing the specified string. Use * to list all maps. Examples:
maps de_ Would list all the detonation maps
maps city Would list all maps containing the word "City" in their name
maps * Would list all installed maps on the server.